I’ve been following a 2D Game Engine course to try and put my C++ skills to practice, and it’s been much more enjoyable than when I started learning to code back in Uni. I know the experience I’ve gained over the years definitely helps, but C++ has always seem very scary to me for some reason.
I’ve been thinking of adding these logs to my website as a way to archive them. Not sure how much trouble that will be. We’ll see.
In other news, we are getting together with some friends for Christmas. I think it will be nice for both my partner and I to have more company. Still, very much looking forward to spending new year’s just the two of us. I am getting my vegan lasagna recipe ready!
Tomorrow I will try to get back into doing some kind of exercise. It’s been too long since the last time I actually did any kind of physical activity. :')
My phone keeps reminding me of photos that I took last year, and it’s great to see so many memories, yet sad at the same time. It’s crazy how time changes everything.