Ryoku, my unfinished life project

When I was younger I heard the story of an artist that killed himself in his art so that he could survive in real life. Living most of my life through the lenses of depression, that sounded like a way for me to save myself. That became the pillar of this project. Still, it鈥檚 a project that is still unfinished as I think subconciously I have been waiting to be in a better place to finish the project....

July 2, 2024 路 1 min 路 116 words

My Journey Learning Godot

Hi! Welcome to my journey learning Godot as a Unity developer.

November 14, 2023
Image of the eyes of a squid on a black background.

Music Gear  [draft]

Instruments Fender Stratocaster, 2007 Fender Telecaster LTD EC-1007 EverTune Schecter DIAMOND SERIES HELLRAISER HYBRID Fender Acoustic Colombia Fender Acoustic US Ukulele Guitar Pedals Polytune TS808 Hall of Fame Reverb Amps Orange Amp, model missing

November 6, 2023 路 1 min 路 34 words

On Death and Moving On

Ever since I was little I鈥檝e had a very irrational fear of death. It is a concept and an act that I can鈥檛 seem to understand at all. What happens after? Do we still feel something? Where do we go? Most importantly, do I watch the ones I love suffer my loss? I recently saw a video, can鈥檛 remember where it was from, but it was a Tumblr post of someone saying that they imagined death as getting carried by your parents to your bedroom when you fell asleep on the couch watching a movie or playing videogames as a kid....

October 15, 2023 路 2 min 路 292 words
Picture of an oven with Pan de Muerto been baked inside.

Vegan Pan de Muerto Recipe

Halloween season, and specifically the 2nd of November, is a really imporant date for mexican folks. We celebrate a festivity called Day of the Dead, or D铆a de Muertos in spanish. It is a tradition in which we take a day to celebrate our loved ones that have passed away. We usually make ofrendas, which is a small altar with pictures of our loved ones and we fill it with food/things they used to really enjoy when they were alive....

October 5, 2023 路 4 min 路 764 words