Today I read a quote that I really liked about a parent’s love and I really related to it because of my current process on understanding my relationship with my parents.

уперше на моїй памʼяті я був здатний дозволити собі прийняти любов та турботу батьків — не так, як я колись очікував, а так, як вони могли її дати. В мені щось відкрилося. Неважливо було, як вони могли чи не могли любити мене. Важливо було, як я міг прийняти те, що вони були готові давати

For the first time in my memory, I was able to allow myself to accept my parents' love and care—not in the way I had once expected, but in the way they were able to give it. Something opened up inside me. It didn't matter how they could or couldn't love me. What mattered was how I could accept what they were willing to give.