I made my first Playdate game for the Ludum Dare Jam 55 and lived to tell about it.

The Playdate is a small fantasy console in which one can develop games using their SDK. The cool thing about the console is that it has a crank that you can use in your games. For development, you can choose to either work with Lua or the C language.

I’ve had my eyes on this device for a few months now, so when I saw them for sale at GDC, I bought one without hesitation. I also convinced a couple of Colombian game developer friends to buy one with the excuse that we would make games and at least get 1 USD in sales back.

A few weeks passed after my GDC trip, and the Ludum Dare was just around the corner. We decided it was a great opportunity for us to start developing on the platform, so we put up a team of three to make a small Playdate game.

You can test the game (and rate it if you feel like it) by going to the game's Ludum Dare Jam site .